(Wang) #1
-VOTES, BOOK VZl. 17. 291
decency may be allowed in the temples of certain Gods;' xp&
6; TO~OLS, ' and also to persons of full age whom the law allows to
worship in such temples.' Cp. once more Plat. Rep. ii. 378:
'The doings of Cronus, and the sufferings which his son in turn
inflicted upon him, even if they were true, ought certainly not to
be lightly told to young and simple persons ; if possible, they had
better be buried in silence. But if there is an absolute necessity
for their mention, a chosen few might hear them in a mystery, and
in order to reduce the number of hearers they should sacrifice not a
common [Eleusinian] pig, but some huge and unprocursble victim.'
Bcd%opos. 17. 13.
A great Athenian actor and performer of Sophocles who took
the part of Antigone: Aeschines was his tritagonist who played
Creon. He is mentioned in the Rhetoric
of Aristotle ii. 23. 1400 b. 16, iii. 13. 1414 b. 13.

Dem. Fsl. Leg. 418.

oi yirp Tais @6op.hur %rarpoiimfs rhs jhrKias ids ti6 rh mxh hiyouurv ot 17. 15.
raXSs, 6ri 61 r,i Grarpiutr T~S +Lutwr tsaiohov8tTu.
It is uncertain whether \re should read *o& KUX~S or 06 KaKiS in
this passage. The authority of the MSS. and the immediate
context confirm the former. On the other hand ot KUK& is the
more idiomatic expressibn, and is not irreconcileable with the
context :-' Those who divide the ages of inen by seven are not
far wrong, and yet we should rather observe the divisions made
by nature;' or, 'and ne should observe the divisions made by
nature, i. e. the divisions into sevens' (Bergk 25). This is also
confirmed by the passage in c. 16. Q 17, nv"rq [sc. j res ~LLIYO~US
&&] 8' tm(u Iu roic 7ihGLurois qump riu aorqriru rrvis clpjr;auru oi
picrpoiwrs rais d8fiopdrr riu Ghtxinv, scpi rhu xpdv~ rlv T;U mur&
KOura Iriu.
It may be observed too that hristotle himself in this passage
divides ages by sevens-seven, fourteen (puberty), twenty-one.
The sevens' of Aristotle agree with the ' sevens' of Solon (?) in
the years which he assigns to marriage (35) and to the highest
development of the mind (49 or 50) :--

na;s p;u ;~$os I& &r YTjvros ~~KOS 6ddurou
+;ant iKpdXXfr vp;rov Iu &Tr' ~TfULU~
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