(Wang) #1

2-94 ANSTO TLE ‘S P0m-m.

KU‘~ roirro. Ka‘l is found in all the NSS., and was the reading c,f
Moerbek. There is no difficulty in explaining it : ‘One may
praise the Lacedaemonians for this also,’ as he has already praised
thcir common use of property in ii. 5. $ 7. Cp. Sic. Eth. X.

  1. $ 13, iv p;vg 62 rij .taxc8ucpoviov adXcr prr‘ 6X;yov 6 ~opot?in;~
    &ripcXsrav Gorri mnocijuBai rpo+rjs rc KU~ ~‘nitrr$rvpdrwv.

  2. I. t6v yhp dp+iu$qrcirar nrpi r;v 2pywv.
    ‘ We are agreed about the necessity of a state education, hut we
    differ about the subjects of education’ or ‘about the things to be
    done in education;’ cp. infra $ 3, ~irv ikrudipou ~pyov Kai riiu

    1. C‘K Gi rijr c‘pno8iv narlirhr.
      ‘ The customary education’ or ‘ the education which meets us in
      life’-without any idea of obstruction.

    1. rapaXL8p + mi+.
      It is impossible to consider the theory of education apart from
      the prevalent custom; and it mould be equally impossible even
      if we could frame a perfect theory to carry it out in practice.’

    1. rh nrprrrd.
      Lit. ‘things in excess,’ i. e. not included in the ordinary training
      either for life or virtue, in modern language ‘the higher knorvledge.’
      For the use of the word cp. ii. 6. $ 6; Nic. Eth. vi. 7. $ 4.

    1. KPlTdS TLVaS.
      Cp. for the use of the word De Anima i. 40; b. 8. xt;vm rh urorxcia
      KplTiV ccX+ nX$v rts yes, ‘ these views have found approuers.’

2.6. xarafh$Xqpivai,
‘laid down and so established :’ cp. c. 3. 9 11, KUrcl$t8Xr&m sac-
&+ora. Cp. supra, + ipao8iv rrar8cia.

    1. f‘rrap+orcpi(nuoru,
      ‘ are of a double character,’ partly liberal, partly illiberal.

  1. I. Zun 6; rirrnpa u.7.X.
    pOWUlK7j is here separated from yfippara, which in Plato’s Re.
    public are included under it.

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