(Wang) #1
NOTES, DOOK 17111. 3. 295
We may remark the form of sentence: ‘There are four;’ but
the fourth is introduced with a qualification, rimprov &roc.

at77 yiip dpxi sdvrov. 3. 2.
Not +&IS but 6 uxokrj, as is shovm by the clause which follows,
Zva KU~ ncihrv c;nopcv mpi ahijs referring to vii. 15. $4 I, 2, and
perhaps to Nic. Eth. s, 6.

WWS. 3. 3.
Either, I) the general question must he asked;’ or 2) *t,ilting
5x0s in an emphatic sense, ‘the question must be surcly’ or
‘absolutely asked.’ In what follows $5 3-6, Aristotle passes on
to discuss the more general subjects of refreshments or relasations,
and returns to music in Q 7.
But Aos is only a conjecture of Victorius. .4I1 the NSS. read
rikos, except one (Pi), which reads rsXcurahv. (Cp. the old trans.
‘ finaliter.’) The reading rc‘kos gives a suffrcient but not 3 very
good sense (c lastly’), nor can any objection be made to it on thc
ground that the word occurs in the following line with a diKerent
meaning. For such false echoes are not uncommon. Cp. uuv&
yr~, used in two senses, iv. 15. $ 8, note.

r$v ;v 75 Grayoyi uxnxjv.
Cp. infra 0 8, r$v E‘V ~i qok5 Giayoyjv.

The two expressions
are nearly equivalent : I) ‘the leisure occupied in 8k~y~yj :’ 2)
‘the Gtayoyi of leisure.’ It is hard to find any satisfactory phrase in
English to express what Aristotle throughout this book terms
Biayoyi. The first sense of the word is that employmcnt of leisure
which becomes a gentleman (cp. ~drcp~v ?;arGciav 4 xadrhv 4 GkflyoyjV.
r6hdyos 8’ cis advra rkrrrral ai c$a;vcrat pcr+<rv. $ re yiip sar8rt xcipru
dvanaiucis imk, rjv b’ iwirmuurv ivayxaiov 6Sfiav duar (ris yhp 81; riv
rrdvov hkr iarpcia Tis dmrv)‘ KO; rjv Grayoyjv 6poXoyouphos 8ri pi
p&ov ;,yw rb K&U cikkh Kai T~V I++ infra C. 5. $0 9, IO). Further
it is joined with 6pdpdvrl~is (c. 5. $ 4. init. nphr Grayoyjv uup~%hXrml 7k
xai +pdV?p7ki) and therefore seems to mean the rational or intellectual
employment and enjoyment of leisure. It is always distinguished
from TQA~ and iv&auuis ‘ amusement’ and ‘ relaxation,’ which
are properly, not ends, hut only means to renewed exertion (cp.

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