(Wang) #1
LVOTES, BOOK rlZZ. 6. 30 I
thus obtained, all do not participate in the sense of figure,' \vouIL1
be a strange statement.

~TL 6' O& ?urr raL'ra dporwparn +&I <8&, dhX& qpcia p&&v.
' Yet such figures and colours (which hnve been previously called
representations) are not really representations but more truly signs
2nd indications.'

iv 6i rois pclcuw airois. 6. 21.
But though hardly discernible in painting we haw the very
expression of the feeling in music.'

KCX; 70;s I;v8poLo$ rlwar.
Bekker in his 2nd edition has inserted ?;ph T~W $;x~v before
rtar. Cp. a reading which is confirmed by one MS. of the old
translator, ' cognati0 ad animanz.' Aretino's translation suggests
tjpiv, but the same sense can be got out of the Greek as it stands,
{piv (or ~pbo riu J.v,y$v) being supIdied from r$v +tbru r;w rqXtwn6qv
or oi V<OL in the previous sentence.
For the doctrine that the soul is a harmony, cp. Plat. Phaedo
86, 92-95; Timaeus 35, 36.

~pds p;v rds Xprjucu $37, npdo 6; rds pa6'j.riis ihfpow.
Though there is no variation in the NSS., or in the old trans-
lator, there seems to be a corruption in this passage. Susemihl
transposes xp+s and ~CX~{UELS. Goettling omits both. If retained
in their present order, they must be translated as in the text, and
may be supposed to mean that practice precedes theory. In the
Republic practical life precedes philosophical leisure, and at the
end of the Ethics (x. 9. S 20) Aristotle says that the sophist

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