(Wang) #1

After the manner of a law,’ i. e. iv T&T~ explained by the words


V0,LLLKiS. 7. a.

which follow.

r& p1v +%Kh rh 61 T~UKTLK& rL 6’ &BouuiaurLKh rtB&tS. 7. 3.
These distinctions are but feebly represented by modern styles ;
the first is in some degree analogous to sacred music, the second
to military music, and the third to the music of the dance.

7iph Who ,LL;pos,
SC. rijs +vxijs or *riv p&v. 7.3.

ri 62 Xi‘yoprv rfjv Kil$RpULV, YVU piv [id&, V&Y 6’ ;U rois ~~pi 7. 3,

This promise is very imperfectly fulfilled in the short allusion to

BOLqTlKjS gpOfipfV UU$~UTfpOV.

~;Bapurs in Poet. c. 6.

61; rak p2v roLal;rais dppovims Ka; ruis roLo4rois piXfuL Bfriuv rois T{V 7. 6.
‘ Therefore it is for such harmonies and for such mclodics that
we must establish the competitions of musical performers,’ i. e. we
must leave such strains of art to regular performers.

nnpaKtXpoupbva. 7. 7.
nnpaXpLurrs are explained to mean deviations from thc rcceivetl
scale in music.’

6 8 ;v r5 Irohrraiq ZOK~~T~S 06 KU~GE r$v c$puyiuri pdqu KurahCirifl 7. 9.
prr& rijs Gopiuri‘, Kai T6TU C~O~OKL~~UUS riv Ipyiivov rLv u6hdv.
This criticism of Plato appears to be just.

~ni Gtu’ri @rhd&vos iyxaprjuas iv rf/ &up~urIL ?ro~juac GrO;pap$uu robs 7. I I.
The emendation M~UOWS (adopted by Bekker in his 2nd edition)
is unnecessary. The words may also mean to compose a dithy-
ramb called the “Fables.”’
a dithyrambic form or not, the difficulty which Philoxenus ex-
perienced was of another kind : what he found hopeless was the

Whether fables could be written in ’
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