(Wang) #1


having no experience of politics cannot teach them (cp. Plat.
Tim. 1gD).
But a fatal objection to this way of interpreting the passage is
the word p&m, which elsewhere in this chapter, and even in the
next sentence, means ' early education,' not ' mature philosophical

    1. Compare Plat. Rep. ii. 411. In the Laws vii. 810 he limits
      the time allowed for the study of music to three years.

  1. IO. 74 hdyy
    'Speech,' as in bk. i. 2. 4 IO.
    The singular outburst of intellectual life at Athens, which a-e
    may well believe to have arisen after the Persian War, belongs
    to a period of Greek history known to us only from the very
    short summary of Athenian history contained in a few pages
    of Thucyddcs. It was the age of Findar and Simonides and
    Phrpichus and Aeschylus, of Heraclitus and Parmenides, of
    Protagoras and Gorgias.

  2. II.

  3. I 2. 'EK~IRuT~~I~.
    =1 very ancient comic poet who flourished in the gencration
    before Aristophanes.

  4. 15, &fi 6i r&v r€ 6py<;uwv K.1.h.
    This, like many other sentences beginning with &I, is an
    miacoluthon, of which the real apodosis is to be found in the
    wortis Blhrp 06 rtju iAfve;pov KpLvoprv rr'yac riu ipyadau cihhci &TI-

  5. I.^4 rphov 6cl rwh 2rcpow.
    Three alternatives are given : I) Shall we use all the harmonies
    and rhythms in education? 2) Shall ve make the same dis-
    tinctions about them in education which are made in other uses
    of them? Or 3) Shall we make some other distinction?
    rpirov is certainly not symmetrical
    because it introduces not a third case but a subdivision of the
    second case. Yet other divisions in hristotle are unsymmetrical
    (cp. supra c. 3. Q I and vii. 11. $5 1-1).

~pirou Rri has been suspected.
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