(Wang) #1

Athenian Democracy, 101, 165 ;
classes Pericles among the dem-
agogues, IOI :--was impressed by
the antiquity and sameness of
Egyptian institutions, 272.
Arrhibaeus, King of the Lynces-
tians, 218.
Artapanes, conspiracy of, 220.
Artifices, political, 171.
Artisan, the, and the household
slave, not clearly discriminated
by Aristotle, 14; the contrast
drawn by him between them, 40.
Artist, the, and the amateur, which
is the better judge? 131.
Athens, law at, providing for the
ma:ntenance of the children of
citizens who had fallen in battle,
7j ; the outburst of intellectual
life after the Persian War, 302 ;
the payment of the dicasteries,
70 ; the democracy (in Aristotle’s
opinion) first created by Solon,
IOI ; part played by the sailors
in establishing the democracy,
Autophradates, Satrap of Lydia, 69.
Bekker, 22, 61. 62, 6;, 120, 121, 13G,
139, 144, 146, 147, 153, 164, 180,
183, 186, 187, 222, 224, 234, 246,
249, 253, 254, ’55, 259, ’61, 263,
269, 278, 280, 286, 298, 299,
Bentham, how far justified in his
condemnation of Usury Laws,
Bernays, IO, 15, 19, 20, 23, zj, 26,
28, 31, 34 39, 43, 51, 54, 56, 60,
69,76, 77,87,89! 93, 95, 108, 1149
1x7, 123, 132, 135, 136, I371 138,
1.46, 2jI.
Bojesen, 69.
Broughton, 264.
Burke, quoted, 9, 124, 125, 126,
Butler, quoted, 26.
Bywater, Mr., conjecture of, 138.
Camerarius, 37, 108.
Carthage, superficial character of
Aristotle’s criticisms upon, 9 j ;
Inconsistencies in his state-
ments, 232 ; meaning of his re-


mark that offices were sold there,
99 ; the Carthaginian institutions
not really like the Spartan, 95;
nature of the Carthaghian mag-
istracies, 97.
Cavalry, the use of, a~nong the
Greeks, 172.
Chalcis, war between, and Eretrin,
Chares, the Athenian general, 203.
Charicles, part played by, among
the Thirty at Athens, 202.
Charilaus, King of Sparta, 232.
Charondas,thelegislationof, 102: the
fragments of his laws in Stobzteus
and Diodorus, not genuine, 103.
Chios, revolution at, zoj.
Cicero, praises the style of Aristotle,
251 :--quoted, De Off. (i. 171, 6;
De Kep., ti. 34), 124; (ii. zj), 63;
Tusc. Disp. ii. 14), 16.
Cinndon, conspiracy of, ZOG.
Cleistlienes, the Athenian, 109, I 36,

  • tyrant of Sicyon, 209.
    Cleopatra, widow of Perdiccas 11,
    Codrus, King of Athens, 216.
    ‘ Coelo, De,’yuoted (29j a. 30), 20.
    Collective wisdom, Aristotle’s doc-
    trine of, 129, 130, 131, 142.
    Colonization, lias saved England
    froni revolution, 99.
    Common meals, the, (at Sparta)
    originally a military institution,
    88 ; (in Italy) not mentioned by
    any ancient writer except Aris-
    totle, 271.
    Communistic usages, (ancient), often
    survive among the lower classes,

  1. Communities, religious, frequency

  • Village, survival of, in Hellas, 5.



of quarrels among, 54.
Construction, unsymmetrical, 126.
Coraes, 37, 70, Zj j, 264, 280.
Corruption at Carthage, 99.
Cosmi, the, (in Crete), criticisms
of Aristotle upon, 91, 93 ; tenure
of their office, 93.
Cotys, King of the Odrysians in
Thrace, 219.
Crete, 5 j ; why free from slave insur-
rections, 79 :-Cretan common
tables, The, description of, in
Dosiades, 51 :-Cretan institu-
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