(Wang) #1

78, 90, 957 101, 166,169,224- 232,
256, 260.
Inscription found in Crete, 214.
Inventions, the, of arts and laws,
supposed by Plato and Aristotle
to have been made many times
over, 55, 272.
Iphiades, 204.
Isocrates, the teacher of Theo-
dectes, 21 ; quoted (Panath.

Italy, 270.

276), 293.

Jason of Pherae, sayings ascribed
to, 115.
Tudicial and uolitical institutions.
connexion between, I 8 I.
Justin, 206 ; quoted (xix. z), 98.

Knife, The Delphian, 4.
Knights, the, in the Athenian con-

Lacedaeinon ; unwillingness of the
Iaxdaemonians to conform to
circumstances, 64 ; the rapid de-
cline in their numbers, 83, 84;
theirimmorality, 89; their avarice,
88 ; said by ancient writers to
haw been without education, 293;
had an element of communism in
their customs, $2, 55 ; all their
institutions popularly ascribed to
Lycurgus, 78 ; (according to
Herodotus) rarely conferred citi-
zenship on foreigners, 83; the
double kingship, 87 ; the quarrels
of the kings, ib.; the common
meals originally a military insti-

stitution, 102.

tution, 88.-
Laconia, village communities in, 5.
Lambinus, 236, 246, 249, 268, 272,
Lassalle, 40.
Latin Version. the old. see \Yilliam
of Moerbeke.
Laveleye, E., quoted, 26.
Law, importance of unwritten, in
Leonides of Tarentum, epigram of,
Leuctra, battle of. 63, 275, 283.

ancient times, 145.
quoted, 109.

Livy, quoted (xsxiii. 461, 98.
Locri, (in Italy), seized by Diony-
Logic, Aristotle greatly influenced
Lucian, quoted (Pro Lapsu inter
Salut. 3 7), 226.
Lycophron, I 26.
Lycurgus. 67, 77, 78, 81, 82, 87 ;
(according to Aristotle and Eph-
orus,) copied the legislation of
Minos, 89,90 ; supposed by Aris-
totle to have gone to Crete before
he gave laws to Sparta, 88 : said
(by Ephorus) to have been con-
temporary with Homer, 102 ;
Aristotle's statement that he be-
longed to the middle class, 168.
Lygdamis, tyrant of Naxos, 201.
Lysander, 88; conspiracy of, 185,

sius the younger, 209.
by, 107, 184.

hlachiarelli, quoted, 227, 229.
hlagistracies, the, of 5,100, and 104
af Carthage, 97.
hlagistrates, the, of LacedzLemon
and Carthage, how distinguished,
'Magna Moralia,' quoted (1179 b.
391, 10.
hlalthus, quoted, 62, 286.
Manin, Daniel, a saying of, quoted,
Mantinea, the first battle of, 197 ;
the second, 82, 275, 283 ; repre-
sentative government at, 239 ;
why said to have been under a
democracy, 240.
hlanuscripts of the Politics, cited,
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