(Wang) #1
Parrhon, one of the assassins of

Merit, importance of opening a
career to, I I 9.
RIetaphysics, quoted, (980 a. 22). I ;
(991 a. 221, 56 ; (99ja. 31, 76; Cotvs, 219.
(1oo4a. 51, 115; (102ob.3i,183;
(1038a. 351, 141 ; (1072 b. 261,
‘ illeteorologica,’ quoted (346 a. IO),

254; (1074,b. I), 260; (ib. 61, jj.
hIethod, both the historical and the
analytical, employed by Aristotle,
Rlidas, the story of, 30.
illill, quoted, Zj, 28. 66, 100, 212.
hlinos, the laws of, 89.
Ilithridates, 221.
hlnason, the Phocian, said by
Timaeus to have been a friend
of Aristotle, 196.
hIoerbeke, IVilliam of, see \Villiam
of Xloerbeke.
Monarchy, Aristotle’s different
theories respecting the origin of,
6, 139, 215 :-the ‘barbarian ;’
Aristotle’s account of, inconsis-
tent, 166.
Money, Aristotle’s account of, 30.
hliiller, O., quoted, 62, 166, 245.
Muretus, 61.-
Rlusonius, fragment of, quoted, 269.
Myron, tyrant of Sicyon, 229.

Nature, can design be attributcd
to? 26.
Nicocles, (according to Diodorus)
the name of the eunuch Mho
assassinated Evagoras, 216.

Oaths of hostility, taken by states,
Oenophyta, battle of, 189.
Oligarchies, the, of Greece worse

Oncken, 12, 92.
Oreus, the later name of Hestiaea,

Organization, importance of, 297.
Orthagoras, tyrant of Sicyon, 229.
Ostracism, 136.
Ovid, 30,
Oxylus, the law of, 242.


than the democracies, 171.


Part~iknii, siory of the, 205.
‘Partibus Animalium, De,’ quoted
(687 a. zr), 13.
Paul, Emperor of Russia, saying
attributed to, 226.
Pausanias, called by Aristotle‘ King,’

  • the assassin of Philip, 21s.
    Peisistratus, acquisition of the ty-
    ranny by, 199 ; said to haw been
    summoned before the Areop:qyis,
    229 :-Ptisistratidie, thc,duration
    of their power, 230.
    Pentlielidae, the, of XIitylenr, 219.
    Penthilus, 219.
    Pcriander of Corinth and I’eriandcr

  • of Ambracia, assassination of,
    Pericles, improvements made by,
    at Athens IKC. 4341, 73 ; c!:issed
    by Aristotle among the tlema-

of Ambracia, I 97.

gogues, 101.
Perioeci, the, (of Crete) meaning of
the term, 79; why said by Aris-
totle to hnvc retained the laws of
Minos, 89.
Perizonius, 120.
Phalaecus, son of Onomarchus, the
Phocinn leader, 94.
Phalaris, tyrant of Agrigcntum,
Phaleas of Chalcedon, 67.
Pheidon the Corinthian, 62.

  • King or tyrant of Argos, 62,
    Philemon, quotations from, 12.
    Philip, King of Macedonia, 21 7.
    Philosenus, 303.
    Photius, 102.
    Phreattys, the court of, 180.
    Phrynichus, part played by, among
    the Four Hundred, 202.
    Piraeus, why more democratic than
    Athens, 194 ; laid out by Hippo-
    damus, 73.
    Plants, sex attributed to, by Plato
    and Aristotle, 4.
    Plato, attributed sex to plants, 4 ;
    made psychology the basis of
    politics, 16 ; thought that the
    division between ruler and ruled


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