abate (a ̆·'bayt) v. to lessen in strength, intensity, or degree; subside. As the violent
storm abated, we began to survey the damage it caused.
aberration (a ̆b·e ̆·'ray·sho ̆n) n. deviation from what is normal, distortion. His new
scientific theory was deemed an aberration by his very conservative colleagues.
abeyance (a ̆·'bay·a ̆ns) n. suspension, being temporarily suspended or set aside.
Construction of the highway is in abeyance until we get agency approval.
abhor (ab·'hohr) v. to regard with horror or repugnance, detest. I know Carlos
abhors politics, but he should still get out and vote.
abjure (ab·'joor) v. 1. to repudiate, renounce under oath. 2. to give up or reject.
When Joseph became a citizen, he had to abjure his allegiance to his country of origin.
abrogate ('ab·ro ̆·ayt) v. to abolish, do away with, formally revoke. The dictator
abrogated agreements that no longer suited his purposes.
abscond (ab·'skond) v. to go away secretly and hide oneself, especially after
wrongdoing to avoid prosecution. He threw down his gun and absconded from the
scene of the crime.
absolution (ab·so ̆·'loo·sho ̆n) n. 1. an absolving or clearing from blame or guilt.
- a formal declaration of forgiveness, redemption. The jury granted Alan the
absolution he deserved.
abstain (ab·'stayn) v. 1. to choose to refrain from an action or practice.
- to refrain from voting. I have decided to abstain on this issue.
abstemious (ab·'stee·mee·u ̆s) adj. 1. using or consuming sparingly; used with
temperance or moderation. 2. eating and drinking in moderation; sparing in
the indulgence of appetites or passions. After Vadeem gained 30 pounds, he
decided he needed a more abstemious diet.
abstruse (ab·'stroos) adj. difficult to comprehend, obscure. Albert Einstein’s
abstruse calculations can be understood by only a few people.
abysmal (a ̆·'biz·ma ̆l) adj. 1. extreme, limitless, profound. 2. extremely bad. It
was not surprising that the movie was a flop; the reviews were abysmal.
accolade ('ak·o ̆·layd) n. 1. praise or approval. 2. a ceremonial embrace in greet-
ing. 3. a ceremonious tap on the shoulder with a sword to mark the conferring
of knighthood. He received accolades from his superiors for finding ways to cut costs
and increase productivity.