accretion (a ̆·'kree·sho ̆n) n. 1. growth or increase by gradual, successive addition;
building up. 2. (in biology) the growing together of parts that are normally
separate. The accretion of sediment in the harbor channel caused boats to run
acquiesce (ak·wee·'es) v. to comply, give in, consent without protest. After the
police officer explained why the street was closed to pedestrian traffic, I acquiesced and
walked to the next street.
acrid ('ak·rid) adj. 1. having an unpleasantly bitter, sharp taste or smell. 2. bitter
or caustic in language or manner. The burning tires in the junkyard gave off an
acrid odor.
acrimonious (ak·r ̆·'moh·nee·u ̆s) adj. bitter and sharp in language or tone. Jasleen
did not like her new neighbors; it was obvious in the acrimonious way she spoke to them.
acumen (a ̆·'kyoo·me ̆n) n. quickness, keenness, and accuracy of perception, judg-
ment, or insight. With Jonelle’s acumen, she would make an excellent trial lawyer.
ad hoc (ad 'hok) adj. for a specific, often temporary, purpose; for this case only.
An ad hoc committee will be formed to investigate Stella’s allegations.
adamant ('ad·a ̆·ma ̆nt) adj. 1. unyielding to requests, appeals, or reason. 2. firm,
inflexible. The senator was adamant that no changes would be made to the defense
addle ('ad·e ̆l) v. 1. to muddle or confuse. 2. to become rotten, as in an egg. The
prosecuting attorney’s questions addled the defendant.
ado (a ̆·'doo) n. fuss, trouble, bother. Without much ado, she completed her book
adroit (a ̆·'droit) adj. skillful, clever, or adept in action or in thought; dexterous,
deft. Priya is a very adroit seamstress; she should have your trousers fixed in no time.
agrarian (a ̆·'rair·ee·a ̆n) adj. relating to or concerning land and its ownership or
cultivation. Although his family tried to convince him to move to a big city, Greg
preferred his agrarian life as a farmer.
aficionado (a ̆·fish·yo·'nah·doh) n. a fan or devotee, especially of a sport or pas-
time. Sal is such an Rolling Stones aficionado that he bought tickets to all ten Giants
Stadium concerts.
alacrity (a ̆·'lak·ri·tee) n. a cheerful willingness; being happily ready and eager.
The alacrity she brought to her job helped her move up the corporate ladder quickly.