Encyclopedia of Leadership

(sharon) #1



Inspired by Jean Illsley Clark and many other sources.

Making presentations involves a fear factor in the same league as mice, snakes, and death! Fear

of public speaking causes sweaty palms, flushed face, heart thumping, and sleepless nights. Yet,

of all the leadership competencies, this is one skill you certainly can learn, although not total-

ly from a book. This tool will help you get started with the basics and planning. To become pro-

ficient, you need to practice, practice, practice—with feedback. If you are new to presentations,

it’s a good idea to take a workshop or join a Toastmasters International Club. If you are relatively

experienced, find a coach. If you are an expert, you probably won’t be reading this tool!


Step ❶
Know What You
Want to Achieve

➠Decide the goal of the presentation before the means: “If you don’t know where you are
going, any road will get you there.”
➠Write out the goal, objective, or desired result of the presentation in this form:
At the end of my presentation, I want others to know and do these things ....
➠If you can’t write your goal clearly in a result form, you won’t get results!

Step ❷
Know Your

➠Answer these questions about the audience (or participants, if you want participation):

  • Who are they? How many are there?

  • What do they know?

  • How supportive will they be of your goals?

  • Will they expect to participate?
    ➠Answer the question, “What’s in it for me?” from the participants’ viewpoint!

Step ❸
Plan Your
Then Practice

Write out a plan for your presentation:
➠Opening (Tell them what you are going to tell them.)
➠Body (Tell them.)
➠Close (Tell them what you told them.)
➠If this is a selling or persuasive presentation, also see ☛9.7 Selling Wheel.
➠What audiovisuals would support and enliven the presentation?
➠What room arrangement would be most suitable?
➠Finally, practice, get feedback, and practice; rehearse, do dry runs, and get coaching.

Step ❹

➠Start with a hook to get attention, create relevance, establish the need:

  • relevant story or quote,

  • key point, bottom line,

  • your objective or goal, or

  • humor.
    ➠Present an overview of your presentation.
    ➠Ask for participation if you want it; state the form in which you want it.

Step ❺

➠Present using a framework of 3 to 5 main points with supporting points.
(If you can’t clearly see this framework with its main points, no one else will.)
➠Ask for participation if needed.
➠Deal with concerns and questions.

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