Mathematics for Computer Science

(avery) #1

Glossary of Symbols

symbol meaning
WWD is defined to be
 end of proof symbol
¤ not equal
^ and,AND
_ or,OR
! implies, if... , then,IMPLIES
! state transition
:P;P notP,NOT.p/
! iff, equivalent,IFF
̊ xor, exclusive-or,XOR
9 exists
8 for all
2 is a member of, is in
 is a (possibly =) subset of
6 isnota (possibly =) subset of
 is a proper (not =) subset of
6 isnota proper (not =) subset of
[S set union
i 2 ISi union of setsSiwhereiranges over setIof indices
\T set intersection
i 2 ISi intersection of setsSiwhereiranges over setIof indices
; the empty set,fg
A complement of setA
set difference
pow.A/ powerset of set,A
AB Cartesian product of setsAandB
Sn Cartesian product ofncopies of setS
Z integers
N;Z^0 nonnegative integers
ZC;NC positive integers
Z negative integers
Q rational numbers
R real numbers
C complex numbers
brc thefloorofr: the greatest integerr
dre theceilingofr: the least integerr
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