Mathematics for Computer Science

(avery) #1

Glossary of Symbols900

symbol meaning
R.X/ image of setXunder binary relationR
R^1 inverse of binary relationR
R^1 .X/ inverse image of setXunder relationR
surj AsurjBiff 9 f WA!B:fis a surjectivefunction
inj AinjBiff 9 RWA!B:Ris an injectivetotal relation
bij AbijBiff 9 f WA!B:f is a bijection
Œ 1 inç injective property of a relation
Œ 1 inç surjective property of a relation
Œ 1 outç function property of a relation
Œ 1 outç total property of a relation
ŒD 1 out;D 1 inç bijection relation
ı relational composition operator
 the empty string/list
A the finite strings over alphabetA
A! the infinite strings over alphabetA
rev.s/ the reversal of strings
st concatenation of stringss;t; append.s;t/
#c.s/ number of occurrences of charactercin strings
mjn integermdivides integern;mis a factor ofn
gcd greatest common divisor
log the base 2 logarithm,log 2
ln the natural logarithm,loge
lcm least common multiple
.k::n/ fi 2 Zjk < i < ng
Œk::n/ fi 2 Zjki < ng
.k::nç fi 2 Zjk < ing
Œk::nçP fi 2 Zjking
Qi^2 Iri sum of numbersriwhereiranges over setIof indices
i 2 Iri product of numbersriwhereiranges over setIof indices
qcnt.n;d/ quotient ofndivided byd
rem.n; d/ remainder ofndivided byd
 .modn/ congruence modulon
6 not congruent
Zn the ring of integers modulon
Cn;n addition and multiplication operations inZn
Zn the set of numbers inŒ0;n/relatively prime ton
.n/ Euler’s totient functionWWDjZnj
hu!vi directed edge from vertexuto vertexv
IdA identity relation on setA:aIdAa^0 iffaDa^0
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