Mathematics for Computer Science

(avery) #1


dot product, 824
Double or nothing, 680
double summations, 525
drawing, 473

directed graph, 319
simple graph, 394
edge connected, 422
edge cover, 404
ellipsis, 29
empty graph, 415
empty relation, 338 , 358, 361, 363,
364, 368, 371
empty string, 74
endpoints, 394
equivalence (logic), 46 , 52
axioms, 52
equivalence relation, 264, 341 , 344,
equivalence class, 342, 368
Euclid, 8, 244
Euclid’s algorithm, 249
Euler, 6
formula, 484
Euler’sfunction, 274
Euler’s constant, 520
Euler’s formula, 491
Euler’s Theorem, 274 , 298
forZn, 276
Euler’s theorem, 302, 308
Euler tour, 348
event, 671 , 686
events, 739
exclusive-or, 43
existential quantification, 57
expectation, 751
expected absolute deviation, 781, 823 ,
expected return, 757

expected value, 666 , 751 , 752, 789
exponential backoff, 749
exponential growth, 56
extendsF, 430

face-down four-card trick, 611
factorial, 181 , 504, 523
factoring, 254
fair, 757
Fast Exponentiation, 140
feasible spouse, 411
Fermat, 7
Fermat’s Last Theorem, 7
Fermat’s Little Theorem, 277
Fermat’s theorem, 303
Fibonacci numbers, 34, 181
Fibonnaci numbers, 875
first-order predicate formula, 220
floor, 899
Floyd, Robert W., 136, 178
flush, 612
Four Color Theorem, 6
Four Step Method, 692
four-step method, 721
Frege, Gotlob, 219
frequentist, 709
function, 87 , 91
partial, 88
total, 88
Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic,
seeUnique Factorization The-

Gale, 412
games of perfect information, 200
Gauss, 255, 262, 263
gcd,seegreatest common divisor
general binomial density function, 750
Generalized Pigeonhole Principle, 574
Generalized Product Rule, 556
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