Mathematics for Computer Science

(avery) #1


concatentation, 101
conditional expectation, 754
confidence, 830
confidence level, 806 , 828
congestion,seecommunication net
congruence,see alsomodular arithemtic,
conjunctive form, 52 , 69
conjunctive normal form, 52 , 55
connected, 326 , 419 , 422
k-edge, 422
edge, 422
connected components, 420
continuous faces, 477
Continuum Hypothesis, 223
contrapositive, 13 , 49
converse, 49
convex function, 814
Convolution, 631
convolution, 631
Convolution Counting Principle, 648
corollary, 9
countable, 209 , 223, 227
countably infinite, 209
counter model, 61
coupon collector problem, 766
cover, 404
covering edge, 359
critical path, 333 , 355
cumulative distribution function, 743
cut edge, 423
cycle,seedirected graph, simple graph,
414, 418
of lengthn, 398
cycle of a graph, 419

DAG, 241,seedirected graph
de Bruijn, Nicolaas, 347
degreedlinear recurrence, 642
degree-constrained, 405 , 579, 610

DeMorgan’s Laws,see alsoequiva-
lence (logic), 53
derived variables, 142
deterministic games, 200
deviation from the mean, 789
diagonal argument, 214
diameter, 463, 466
Die Hard, 246
Difference Rule, 687
digital circuit, 71
digraph,seedirected graph
Dilworth’s lemma, 334
directed graph, 317, 319
complete digraph, 359
cycle, 321
degree, 319
directed acyclic graph, 327
merge, 322
shortest path, 325
walk, 320
trail, 348
walk counting matrix, 324
walk relation, 326 , 335
directed graphs, 241
discrete faces, 480
disjunctive form, 50 , 69
disjunctive normal form, 51 , 55
Distributive Law
ANDoverOR, 51
ORoverAND, 51
sets, 85
divide-and-conquer, 883
divisibility, 243 , 319, 338
Division Rule (counting), 559
Division Theorem, 245
DNF,seedisjunctive form
domain, 87 , 89
domain of discourse, 59 , 615
Dongles, 482
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