
(Darren Dugan) #1


layman, 68
Arahatship, 38, 47, 64
fruit of, 27, 52n.
layman, 300
Arahattaphala, see Arahatship
Áráma (park or monastery), 105n.
Arati (dislike), 312
Ariya (noble), 44, 46, 319, 320
Ariya aþþhaògika magga (see Noble
Eightfold Path)
Ariyasaccá (noble truths), 50, 176
Arúpajhána, 8n., 10n., 238
Arúpajhána (fine-material jhána),
Arúpaloka (formless planes), 4, 4n.,
Asaòkhata (unconditioned), 287,
287n., 290
Asaññasatta (realm of mindless be-
ings), 253, 254
Ásava (defilements), 20n.
Ásayánusaya-ñáóa (innate tenden-
cies), 124n.
Gotama, 8–19, 21n.
life, 300, 338, 339, 347
naked, 97, 227
Asekha (adept), 320ff.
Aspects, three, 52n.
Asubha, 302, 308
Asuras, 251
Atakkávacara (beyond logical rea-
soning), 284
Átma see Soul
Atom, 152, 263, 265, 387
Attachment, 44–48, 54, 153, 179, 312,
destruction of, 288
to realms of form, 242
to sense-desires or objects, 314,
see also Craving, Rága, Lobha,
Attadìpá (island unto oneself), 24, 162

Attakilamathanuyoga (addicted to
self-mortifications), 44
Attánaí (seeking oneself), 61n.
Atta see Soul
Attha (meaning), 85n.
Atthi-sukha (bliss of ownership), 92,
Aura (obhása), 318
Austerities, 16ff.
Authority, 53, 154ff., 168, 344
Avihiísá (harmlessness), 45, 180
saòkappa, 179
Avijjá (ignorance), 20n., 27n., 197, 237,
238, 245, 247, 317, 412
Avyápáda (non-ill will), 45, 180
sankappa, 179
Awareness, 411
mind defined as, 388
Áyukkhaya (expiration of the life-
term), 248
Bamboo Grove, 104, 112
Baskets, three, 148
Beluva village, 132
Benares, 6n., 37ff., 49, 112, 295
Bhandagáma village, 135
Bhaòga (moment of cessation, disso-
lution), 266, 318
Bhariyá, see Wife
Bhava, 20n., 28, 243
Bhávaná (meditation), 211, 349
Bhavaòga, 201, 203, 258, 260
Bhavataóhá, 47, 50, 242
conditions to prosper, 128ff.
five, 39– 41
honour the Tathágata, 140ff.
salient characteristics of, 301
Bhoganagara, 136
Bhoga-sukha (bliss of wealth), 92, 384
Birth, 177, 206ff., 216ff., 243ff.
four modes of, 249
Blessings, 397ff.
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