
(Darren Dugan) #1


of arahatship, 132
four kinds of, 92
of emancipation, 27, 30, 31
of Nibbána, 294
see also Sukha
Bodhi (enlightenment), three types of,
Bodhipakkhiya (thirty-seven constit-
uents of enlightenment), 135n.
Bodhisatta, 21, 191
ideal, 220, 331– 336
three types, 335
Bodhi tree, 27, 29, 29n.
not an object of worship, 156
object of reverence, 80
Bodily posture, 305, 412, 416ff.
Bojjhaòga (factors of enlightenment),
411, 412, 421n., 423ff.
Boons, eight, 100
Brahma, 221, 227
Mahá, 228ff.
planes of, 253ff.
sons of, 170
Brahmacariya (the holy life, i.e.,
monkhood), 59n., 60
Bráhmaóa, 28ff., 327ff.
Brahmavihára, 303, 311–312, 358– 374
Brahmin, 28n.
characteristics of, 21ff.
genealogy of, 10ff.
Buddhacakkhu (buddha-eye), 124n.
Buddhahood, 21–26, 38n.
aspiration for, 331ff.
process of attaining, 129
see also Sammá Sambodhi
Buddhánussati, 308
Buddhism, 147, 161–162, 388
believes in the present, 392
caste and, 169– 170
characteristics of, 163– 175
cosmology, 250– 256

does not denounce external forms of
homage, 335
ethical system, 158– 161
foundations of, 163– 164
fundamental doctrines of, 184
not an outgrowth of Hinduism, 38n.,
philosophy, 152– 153
rebirth, doctrine of, 257– 270
religion, 153– 158
verifiable by evidence, 220
wisdom as apex, 350
women and, 170– 174
Cáganussati, 309
Cáliya rock, 118, 120
Caòkamana (place for walking medi-
tation), see Ambulatory
Capala Cetiya, 134, 135
Carita (temperament), 303ff.
Piþaka, 150
Piþaka Commentary, 337, 343
Cariyá (mode of conduct), 356ff.
Cárvákas (materialists), 42
Caste, 25, 28n., 367
Buddhism and, 169– 170
Cátummahárájikas (four great heav-
enly kings), 37n., 52
heaven of, 106n., 252n., 256n.
Catusampajaññá (comprehension of
bodily comportment), 417
conditions, 190
formula, see Paþicca Samuppáda
relations (Patthána), 240, 363
Causation, law of, see Kamma
Nibbána not conditioned by, 290ff.
of kamma, ??–197
see also Kamma
and effect, 27
of inequality, 184, 186– 189
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