
(Darren Dugan) #1


Deeds, good and bad, 159ff.
Deer Park, 38, 39, 43, 48, 55
Defilements, 20n., 245
see also Ásava, Kilesa
Defiling conditions in the Sangha, 117
Deities, 36n.
four guardian-kings, 252
meditation on, 309
merits arising from gifts to, 130
see also Deva, Devatá
Deliverance, 25, 133, 134
Den of strife, 300
Dependent arising, 27, 28, 29, 237– 247
see also Paþiccasamuppáda
Dependent origination, see Depend-
ent arising, Paþocca samuppáda
Determination, see adhiþþhána
Deva, 23, 52, 205, 252, 256, 356
Anáthapióðika reborn as, 94, 231
see also Devatá
Devarealms of, 252ff.
Devatá, 36n.
Devatánussati, 309
Dhamma, 33–41, 57–65, 111–122,
Ánanda’s knowledge of, 81
as attainment, 295
Buddha’s decision to teach, 231
custodian of, 81
doctrine of reality, 161
doubts about, 319
eye of, 52n., 61n.
hearing of, 211
island of, 133n.
lokuttara d. (supramundane state),
lord of, 22
mirror of, 130–131, 363
never propagated by force, 167
niyáma (natural phenomena), 191
refuge in, 91, 104
teachings of the Buddha, 147– 162
called “truth”, 43
will last half as long, 84

Dhamma-bhandágárika, see Dham-
ma, custodian of
Dhammacakkhu, see Dhamma, eye
Dhammádása see Dhamma, mirror
Dhammadìpá, see Dhamma, island of
Dhammánupassaná (mindfulness of
mind-objects), 182, 412, 413, 421
Dhammánussati (contemplation of
the doctrine), 303, 308
Dhammassámi, see Dhamma, lord of
Dhátumanasikára (reflecton on the
elements), 418
Dhuva (lasting), 291
Dibba-cakkhu, -sota (divine eye, ear),
312, 313
see also Abhiññá
Disciples, 60
first five, 41, 48, 63
two chief, 65
two chief female, 85
Disgust (idá ñáóa), 318
Dispensation, 135, 142
of other buddhas, 117
see also Sásana
Diþþhi (view)
false, 32
sakkáya-d. (belief in a “self”), 319
sammá-d. (right understanding), 49,
154, 350
visuddhi (purity of vision), 317
Divine eye, ear, 343
see also Dibba–
esoteric, exoteric, 132n.
of reality, 161
Domanassa (grief), 28
Dosa (hatred, ill will), 32, 159, 285,
356, 358
Doubts (vicikicchá), 154, 314, 315, 317
eradicated on attainment of stream-
entry, 319
Downfall, causes of one’s, 399ff.
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