
(Darren Dugan) #1


of birth and death, 248– 249
of discipline (sikkhápada), 169
four, of right endeavor, 351
seven, of settling disputes, 301n.
of sublime conduct, see Brahmavi-
three, of conduct, 150, 356– 357
three, of enlightenment, 331
twelve (Noble Truths), 48, 52
Moha (delusion), 32, 285
Morality, 33, 158– 161
higher, 58n., 169, 300
see also Sìla, Sìlakkhandha
Moral Responsibility, 271– 272
Mortification, self
see Attakilamathanuyoga
Muditá (appreciative joy), 303, 312,
359, 370– 371
Mukti, 296
Muñja grass, 18n.


N’eso’haí asmi (this I am not), 74
N’etam mama (this is not mine), 74
N’etaí mama (this is not mine), 56
N’eva saññá n’ásaññáyatana (Nei-
ther perception nor non-perception),
Nadika village, 130
Nálaka village, 63
Nálandá, 129
Náma-rúpa (mind and matter), 27,
239–240, 247, 296
regarded as effect, 245
Na m e so att a (this is not my soul), 56,
Naming Ceremony, 4
Ñáóa (knowledge), 49
cutúpapáta-i-ñ. (knowledge of the
disappearing and reappearing of
beings), 19
pubbenivásánussati-ñ. (knowledge
of past births), 19

Ñáóadassana (knowledge and in-
sight), 52
visuddhi, 318
yathábhúta-ñ., 165
Nátyatthacariyá (self-development),
Navasivathikápabba (reflection on
nine kinds of corpses), 419
Nekkhamma (renunciation), 337
purification or páramì, 347– 349
saòkappa, 45, 179
Nevasaññánásañña yatana (sphere
of neither -perception-nor-non-per-
ception), 10, 38n., 146, 254, 293, 303
Never-returners, see Anágámi
Nibbána, 10, 35, 41, 104, 163, 284–313,
317– 324
as nothingness, ??–288ff.
Nibbánic bliss, 125, 242, 291, 321,
326n., 384
Nigrodháráma, 112
Nihilism, 47n., 242, 326n.
Nimitta (), 257ff.
Nimitta (sign), 307
Nimmáóarati, 256
Niraya (lowest hell), 250, 256
Nirodha samápatti, 254, 294, 321
Nìvaraóa (hindrances), 129, 307, 314–
317, 347
Niyáma (process), 190– 192
Noble Eightfold Path, 45ff., 45, 49–55,
135, 142, 178– 183
Noble Truths, 45–56, 176– 183
see also Truths, four noble
no distinction between mind and con-
sciousness, 388
No Doer, 198
Non-conditioned, see Asaòkhata
Non-enmity, see Avyápáda
Non-returner, see Anágámi
No-Soul (anatta), 262– 270
Obhása (aura), 318
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