
(Darren Dugan) #1


Objects of reverence, see Reverence,
objects of
Occasions, two, 139
Odour, see Gandha
Omniscient one, see Sabbaññú
Once returner, see Sakadágámi
“Opened to them”, 36
Optimism, 161, 164, 375
of bhikkhus, see Sangha
Ordination, 58
see also (Upasampadá, Pabbajjá)
Origin Of Life, 220– 226
Outcast, 169, 372, 401ff.


Pabbajita, pabbajitena (one who has
renounced the world), 44, 49
Pabbajjá (going forth), 58, 143n.
Paccekabuddha, 21n., 332
Paean, see Udána
Pañcakkhanda (five aggregates), 267
see also Aggregates, Paò-
Pañcupadánakkhandhá (five aggre-
gates of grasping), 50n.
Paññá (wisdom or knowledge), 53,
183, 337
perfrection or páramì, 349– 350
see also Wisdom
Pantheism, 394
blind turtle, 374
elephant and blind men, 166
man in a well, 291
Paracittavijáñáóa (power to discern
the thoughts of others), 312, 313
see also Abhiññá
Párájiká (defeat), 301
Paramánu, 265
Paramátma (divine essence), 220, 392
Parámaþþhá (essentials), 265
desaná (ultimate teaching), 151
sacca (ultimate truth), 198, 267

Páramì (perfections), 337– 357
Paranimmitavasavattì realm, 252, 256
Páribhogika (reverred items used by
the Buddha), 79
Párileyyaka forest, 115
Parinibbána, 127–146, 288, 296
Paritta (protective discourse), 121n.
Passaddhi (tranquility), 164
daughters of Mára as, 30n.
see also Rága, Kilesa
Páþaligáma village, 129
Páþaliputta, 129– 130
Path, 145
consciousness, four types of supra-
mundane, 160
middle, see Middle P.
Noble Eightfold, see Noble Eightfold
Paþhavì (earth, element of extension),
240, 265, 295, 387
Paþicca samuppáda (dependent co-
arising), 27, 237– 246
Patience, 114, 365
see also Khanti
Paþikkúla, see Loathsomeness
Paþikkúlamanasikára (Reflection on
Loathsomeness), 417
Pátimokkha (fundamental precepts),
117, 301
Paþisambhidá (analytical knowl-
edge), 85
Paþisandhi-viññáóa (relinking con-
sciousness), 245, 239, 390
Pávárika mango grove, 129
Páva village, 138
Payága village, 118
Payoga (effort, means, undertaking),
216, 217
sampatti, vipatti, 218
Perception, the one, 303
Perfections, see Páramì
Perseverance, 17, 350
see also Viriya
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