
(Darren Dugan) #1


Saddhá (faith, confidence), 17, 101,
116, 164, 336
dry intellect must be flavoured with,
predominant in devotional bo-
dhisattas, 335
Saddhácarita (devout temperament),
Saddhádhika (devotional bodhisat-
tas), 335
Sagga (celestial states; heavens), 57
Sahet Mahet, 80n.
Sakadágámi (once-returner), 47, 52n.,
61, 83, 142n., 160, 177, 314, 320
Sakkáyadiþþhi (belief in a self), 319
clan, 3
kingdom, 3n.
nobles, 78
Saÿáyatana (six sense-bases), 240,
245, 247
Samádhi (one-pointedness of mind),
5, 53, 165, 183, 302– 313
appaná, 307
contrasted with vipassaná, 317
sammá-s., 178
upacára, 307
see also Concentration, Ecstasy,
Samaóa (recluse), 142
Sámaóera (novice monk), 71, 143n.,
sambodhi (supreme enlightenment),
48, 332
sambuddha (fully enlightened one),
21, 22
Sammuti (conventional), 198
Sampajaññá (clear comprehension),
Sampatti (fortune, success), 216, 218
caste and, 170
faith or confidence in, 131, 319ff.

founding of, 60ff.
patimokkha (rules) and, 117, 148
refuge in, 91
schism in, 206, 207
welfare of, 127– 129
Saòghánussati (contemplation of the
Order of monks), 303, 309
Saòkappa (intention, purpose), 45,
178, 180
sammá, 49
Saòkassa village, 118
Saòkhárá (conditioning activities),
27, 50n., 55, 238–239, 240, 243, 247
as volitional activities, 266
Saòkhata (conditioned things), 290ff.
Santati (continuum), 199, 267, 272, 296
Saísára (round or rebirths), 47, 111,
226n., 238
contrasted with Nibbána, 290
Saíyojana see Fetters
Saraóath, 49n.
Sárìrika (bodily relics), 79
Sásana (dispensation), 101n., 125
Sassatadiþþhi see Eternalism
Satipaþþhána (foundations of mind-
fulness), 133n., 411ff.
Sávatthì, 34n., 80n., 106, 122, 127
Saviour, 23
Schism, 89, 207
Secondary personalities, 232
Secrecy, 166
Seeking oneself, 61n.
Sekha (learner), 81, 320, 321
Self-illusion, see Sakkáyadiþþhi
Self-indulgence, 18, 43, 337
Self-mortification, 18
Sensation, see Feeling, Vedaná
Sense-bases, 226n.
see also Saláyataná
Sense sphere, see Kámaloka,
Sense-sphere, see Saÿáyatana
Sex, 240ff., 254ff., 258
Sexual misconduct, 181, 208, 209, 299
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