
(Darren Dugan) #1


Sights, four, 6
Signless, 326n.
Sikkhápada (modes of discipline), 169
Sìla (morality), 53, 57, 183, 211, 298
cáritta, 345
perfection or páramì, 344– 347
váritta, 345
viusddhi, 301
see also Morality
Sìlabbataparámása (adherence to
rites and ceremonies), 319, 325n.
Sìlakkhandha (morality), 33
Sìlánussati, 303, 309
billiard balls, 269
flame, 268
mango, 199, 202
shade of bird, 261
as meditation object, 309
Sìtavana forest, 90
Sloth, see Thina, 32
Soka (grief, sorrow), 28
Sopádisesa, 288– 289
Soreyya village, 118
Sorrow, 20, 28, 153, 163, 291
ended on attainment of anágámi,
see also Suffering, Dukkha, Soka
Sotápanna (stream-winner), 83,
142n., 319
Soul, 55n., 61n., 151, 196, 221, 262– 270
transmigration of, 152
Spheres of Sense, see Saÿáyatana
Spheres of Sense,see Saÿáyatana
Stream-winner, see Sotápanna
“Strive on”, 135
Subha (desirability), 182, 290, 291
Subjects of meditation, 302ff.
Subject to change, 145
Suddhávása (pure abodes), 253, 256,
320, 357
Suffering, 28, 42–56, 161, 176– 177
can lead to happiness, 164
see also Dukkha

and Nibbána, 326n.
Sugati (happy states), 251, 253, 256
Súkaramaddava, 138
Sukha (bliss or happiness), 165, 291,
four kinds, 92ff., 384
Sukkhavipassaka (dry-visioned ara-
hat), 312
Supernormal powers, see Powers, Ab-
Supramundate consciousness, see
Consciousness, supramundane
Sutta Piþaka, 149– 150
Tádi, 326n.
Taóhá (craving), 17, 56n., 242n., 412
Tathágata, 21n., 22n., 39
reverence of, 140
skin of, 139
Távatiísa, 77, 252, 256
Tejo (element of heat), 240, 258n., 265,
295, 303n., 387
Temperaments, see Carita
Theocentric, 46
Theras, 128, 136
Thina, (soth), 32
Thirty young men, 61
“This is (not) mine”, 56, 74
Þhiti (static moment), 266
Thorns, 375, 379
Thought-process, 202ff.
Tigress, 340ff.
Tipiþaka, 147ff.
Tiracchána-yoni (animal realm), 250,
Tolerance, 157, 165– 169
Toleration edict, 174
Trade, forbidden kinds of, 182
Transient, 161
see also Impermanent, Anicca
Trio, 225, 390, 391
Triple Gem, 133
Trojan War, 278n.
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