
(Darren Dugan) #1


Truth, 6, 7
eye of, 52
Truths, Four Noble, 21, 57, 163, 165,
176– 183
Turtle and fish, fable of, 285ff.
Tusita, 252, 256, 356
Twin miracle or wonder, see Ya-

Ucchedadiþþhi, see Nihilism
Udaya (arising), 318
Uddesika (reverred items reminiscent
of the Buddha), 79
Uddhacca, (restlessness), 32
Unconditioned, see Asaòkhata
Undesirable, see Asubha
Unhappy states, see Duggati
Upádána (grasping, attachment), 28,
243ff., 317
Upadhi (substratum of rebirth), 216,
217, 329n.
Upásaka, Upásiká (male or female
lay followers of the Buddha), 59n.,
140, 398n.
Upasampadá (higher ordination),
58n., 83, 143n., 301
Upatissa village, 63
Upekkhá (equanimity)
perfection or páramì, 355– 356
see also Equanimity
Uposatha, 84, 101n.
Uppáda (moment of arising), 266, 290
Uruvelá, 62
Kassapa the ascetic, 61
Utterance, first, 31
see also Udána

Vacchagotta, 322ff.
Vajjians, 127ff.
Vasala (one who rains impure deeds),
Vassána (rainy season), 100, 111, 409

Vaya (cessation), 290, 318
ñáóa, 318n.
Váyo (air, element of motion), 240,
265, 295, 303n., 308
Vedaná (feeling), 28, 50, 55, 241–242,
247, 266
aggregate of, 240
reaper of kamma, 198
Vedanánupassaná (mindfulness of
feelings), 182, 412, 420
Veluvana monastery, 65
see also Bamboo Grove
Verañjá, 116, 118
Vesak, Vesákha (full moon day of
May), 3n.
Vesáli, 112, 118
Vibhavataóhá, 47
Vibhavataóhá (craving for non-ex-
istance), 47, 50, 242
Vicikicchá (doubt), 32, 305, 307
army of Mára, 17
Views, extreme, 42ff.
see also Diþþhi
Vimokkha (deliverance, liberation),
Vimutti (deliverance, emancipation),
Vimutti-sukha see Bliss of emancipa-
Vinaya (the Discipline; monks’ rules),
83n., 136, 137, 148–149, 374
recfited, 141n.
what is not, 85
Viññáóa (consciousness), 27, 50, 388
aggregate of, 55, 266
dependent co-arising of, 239
passing away of, at death, 259
paþisandhi-v. (relinking), 245, 260
see also Aggregates, Consciousness
Viññáóañcáyatana (realm of infinity
of consciousness), 145, 212, 254, 256,
293, 303
Vipáka (fruit [of action]), 192, 195–
197, 245
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