Motivation and Learning Strategies for College Success : A Self-management Approach

(Greg DeLong) #1

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112  CHAPTER 5

In this chapter, I focus on procedures to help you manage your emo-
tions and effort, with a special emphasis on reducing anxiety. I dif-
ferentiate moods from emotions in terms of their intensity and dura-
tion. Moods are longer lasting, whereas emotions consist of short
intense episodes (Rosenberg, 1998).
Academic emotions influence your learning and achievement.
Positive emotions foster your control over your learning, whereas neg-
ative emotions lead to more passive behavior. Positive emotions pre-
dict high achievement, and negative emotions predict low achieve-
ment. In summary, your academic emotions are closely linked to your
learning, self-control, and scholastic achievement (Pekrun, Goetz, Titz,
& Perry, 2002).
There is increasing evidence that stress and depression among col-
lege students is on the rise (Reisberg, 2000). Peterson (2002) described
a study finding that 30% of college freshman reported feeling over-
whelmed a great deal of time.
There are many stressors in college life, such as greater academic
demands, financial responsibilities, changes in your social life, prepar-
ing for life after graduation, and so forth. The National Institute for
Mental Health has an excellent Web site that provides information
about college students and depression (see
cat/students.cfm). If you have continuous feelings of sadness,
decreased energy, fatigue, loss of interest or pleasure in your daily
activities, feelings of hopelessness or guilt, or cry a great deal, you
should seek help beyond the information provided in this chapter.
Speak to your academic advisor or dorm advisor, make an appoint-
ment at your counseling center, or find out about the mental health
resources in your community. There are many successful treatments
for stress and depression.
After studying this chapter you will be able to:

  • Change the way you think about events in your life so you have
    more positive feelings about yourself.

  • Develop positive beliefs about your ability to attain goals.

  • Use self-talk to reduce anxiety and other negative emotions.

  • Use relaxation techniques to reduce anxiety.

Directions: Assess your emotions by checking the appropriate

statement in the space provided to describe the nature of your


response to each of the following questions. Write a summary

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