Advanced High-School Mathematics

(Tina Meador) #1

262 CHAPTER 5 Series and Differential Equations

provided the improper integral exists. Assuming that f ∗g(x)
exists for allx, show that “∗” is commutative, i.e., that

f∗g(x) =g∗f(x), for allx.

We shall meet the convolution again in our study of statistics
(page 370).

  1. Leta >0 be a constant, and set

f(x) =


e−at ifx≥ 0
0 ifx < 0.

Show that ifg(x) is defined for allx∈R, then

f∗g(x) = e−ax



provided the improper integral exists.
Now computef∗g(x),wheregis as above and where

(a) f(x) = sinbx, whereb >0 is a constant.
(b) f(x) =x^2.

(c) f(x) =


1 ifx≥ 0
0 ifx < 0.

(d) f(x) =


sinbx ifx≥ 0
0 ifx < 0

whereb >0 is a constant.

  1. (Convolution and the Low-Pass Filter) In electrical engineering
    one frequently has occasion to study theRClow-pass filter, whose
    schematic diagram is shown below. This is a “series” circuit with
    a resistor having resistance R Ω (“ohms”) and a capacitor with
    capacitance C F (“Farads”). An input voltage of x(t) volts is
    applied at the input terminals and the voltagey(t) volts is observed
    at the output. The variabletrepresents time, measured in seconds.

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