SECTION 5.1 Quick Survey of Limits 263
An important theorem of
electrical engineering is that
if the input voltage is x(t),
then the output voltage isy=
x∗h(t),whereh(the “impulse
response”) is given explicitly
x(t) y(t)
h(t) =
−t/τ ift≥ 0
0 ift < 0 ,
and whereτ=RC.
Now assume that R = 1000 Ω and thatC = 2μF (= 2× 10 −^6
Farads). Let
x(t) =
sin 2πft ift≥ 0
0 ift < 0
wheref >0 is the frequency of the signal (in “hertz” (Hz) or units
of (sec)−^1 ). In each case below, compute and graph the output
voltagey(t) as a function of time:
(a) f= 100 Hz
(b) f= 2 kHz, or 2000 Hz
(c) f= 100 kHz
- (For the courageous student!^6 ) Consider the function
f(t) =
sin(1/t), ift 6 = 0
5 ift= 0,
and set F(x) =
− 1 f(t)dt. Show that F
′(0) = 0. (Hint: try
carrying out the following steps:
(^6) I am indebted to Robert Burckel for suggesting this problem.