Marketing Communications

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Marketing Communications


Personified Promotion


The obvious fact that personal selling is based on face-to-face communication explains the reason why
interviewing is essential in the selection process of a salesman. It is important than an in-depth knowledge
of the applicant’s personality and interview is the only way this can be done. Observable qualities that
can be graded during interview are:

  1. Personality

  2. Poise – (how balanced is the candidate).

  3. Speaking voice.

  4. Appearance.

  5. Attitude.

  6. Interest in position

  7. Thinking ability.

A combination of three main interview processes can be used as follows:-

(1) Screening in nature (2) Diagnostic (3) Confirmation – this is usually done by the sales manager who
will assemble all data about the candidate and study them thoroughly.

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