grounded theory n
a general methodology of analysis in qualitative research, in which
the first level of analysis is systematically collected data, the second is
the conceptualization of the data into categories and their properties (see
constant comparison method), and the third is an inductive theory
(see analytic induction), usually illustrated by characteristic examples
of data.
grounding n
an aspect of the information structureof a sentence in which in an act
of communication, speakers assume that some information is more impor-
tant than other information. Information which is needed for the listener to
understand new information is background information, and information
which is new or considered more important is foregrounded orforeground
information. For example, in the sentence As I was coming to school this
morning,I saw an accident,I saw an accident, this morning is foregrounded
information and As I was coming to school is background information. The
foregrounded information is contained in the main clause of the sentence,
which comes after the clause containing background information.
group discussion n
a teaching activity which has the following characteristics:
1 A small number of students (four to twelve) meet together.
2 They choose, or are given, a common topic or problem and a goal or
3 They exchange and evaluate information or ideas about the topic.
see also co-operative learning
group dynamics n
the interactions which take place within a group and the study of how such
factors as leadership, interaction and decision-making affect the structure
of a group. Group dynamics is an important consideration in forming class-
room groups (see co-operative learning) and in designing learning tasks
and classroom materials.
see also small-group interaction
grouping n
(in teaching) arranging students into groups to help them learn better.
Choosing suitable grouping arrangements which match different kinds of
learning tasks is an important dimension of teaching. Different group
arrangements for teaching include: