
(Chris Devlin) #1

pragmatic transfern
transfer of L1 norms and forms of performing speech acts. Pragmatic
transfer may result in the inappropriate transfer of forms or expressions
from the L1 to the L2 as well as level or range of politeness or indirectness
in the L2.

the process by which a theory, belief or skill is enacted or practised. In
critical applied linguisticspraxis also refers to the process by which indi-
viduals become aware of the beliefs and values underlying their attitudes
and behaviours in an attempt to find ways of resisting oppressive social

predeterminer n
a word which occurs before determiners in a noun phrase^1. For
example, in English the quantifiersall, both, half, double, twice, etc.,
can be predeterminers.

pragmatic transfer

predicaten predicatev
that part of a sentence which states or asserts something about the subject
and usually consists of a verb either with or without an object^1 , comple-
ment, or adverb.For example:
Joan is tired.
The children saw the play.
The sun rose.
Adjectives, nouns, etc., which occur in the predicate are said to be used
“predicatively”. For example:
Her behaviour was friendly. (predicative adjective)
These books are dictionaries. (predicative noun)
see also attributive adjective

predicate framesn
see functional grammar

predicate logicn
see logic

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