
(Chris Devlin) #1

see proposition

predicative adjectiven
an adjective that is used after a verb.
see also attributive adjective

predictive validityn
a type of validity based on the degree to which a test accurately predicts
future performance. A language aptitude test, for example, should have
predictive validity, because the results of the test should predict the ability
to learn a second or foreign language.

see criterion measure, dependent variable

prefabricated languagen
also prefabricated routine, prefabricated speech
see formulaic language

preferred languagen
see primary language

preferred strategiesn
the most efficient strategies for speech processing of a particular language,
utilizing the phonological and metrical rules of the language.

a letter or sound or group of letters or sounds which are added to the beginning
of a word, and which change the meaning or function of the word.
Some combining forms can be used like prefixes. For example, the word
pro-French uses the prefix pro- “in favour of”, and the word Anglo-French
uses the combining form Anglo- “English”.
see also affix

preliminary intaken
see intake

pre-listening v
activities that students carry out before listening to a listening text, in order to
prepare them for listening. Pre-listening activities may pre-teach vocabulary,
activate background knowledge, predict content, generate interest in a
topic or check ideas and understanding of a topic.

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