
(Chris Devlin) #1
of the test), which are assumed to be parallel. The resulting reliability esti-
mate is a parallel-form reliability coefficient for a test half as long
as the original test. Usually the Spearman-Brown prophecy formula is
applied to the resulting split-half reliability estimate in order to estimate the
reliability of the full-length test rather than its separate halves because with
all other factors being equal, the longer the test the higher the reliability.
see also internal consistency reliability

split infinitive n
(in composition) a sentence in which the word to in an infinitive has been
separated from the base of the verb making the sentence awkward to read.
For example:
She asked me toas quickly as possible drop over to her house.
Without the split infinitive this would be:
She asked me to drop over to her houseas quickly as possible.
In some sentences, however, the split infinitive is appropriate. For example:
We expect to more than doubleprofits this year.

spoken grammar n
the grammatical system underlying spoken language, as compared with
the grammar of written language. Although spoken and written language
share the same basic structures and grammar, some items appear much more
frequently in one language mode more than the other or have different
characteristics in spoken than in written language. For example co-ordination
is more frequent in spoken language than written language, which makes
greater use of subordination. Differences between spoken and written
language reflect the fact that spoken language is processed in real time.

spoonerism n
see speech error

spot the difference task n
a type of information gaptask in which two or more learners are given
similar but not identical pictures and are asked to discuss their pictures
together to identify the differences.

spreading activation n

SQ3R technique n
an acronym for Survey – Question – Read – Recite – Review, a reading
strategy often recommended for students who are reading for study
purposes which makes use of the following procedures:

SQ3R technique
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