
(Chris Devlin) #1
and effective. Suggestopaedia is said to be a pedagogical application of
“suggestology”, the influence of suggestion on human behaviour.

summary n
brief statements of the main ideas in a text or passage, often produced while
or after reading something. The ability to produce summaries is sometimes
referred to as summary skills and is a focus of instruction in the teaching
of reading.

summative evaluation n
the process of providing information to decision-makers, after a course
of instruction, about whether or not the programme was effective and
see also formative evaluation

summative test n
a test given at the end of a course of instruction, that measures or “sums up”
how much a student has learned from the course. A summative test is
usually a graded test, i.e. it is marked according to a scale or set of grades.
see also formative test

superlative n,adj
also superlative degree
see comparative

superordinate n,adj
see hyponymy

superstratum language n
the language from which most of the lexical items of a pidgin or creole
have been derived. Usually the superstratum language is the language of the
former colonial power in the region where the pidgin or creole is spoken.
For example, English is the superstratum language of Jamaican Creole and
of Tok Pisin, spoken in Papua New Guinea.
see also substratum/substrate language(s)

supervision n
(in teacher education) the monitoring and evaluation of a student teacher’s
teaching performance by a supervisor. Current approaches to supervision
differ with respect to whether the supervisor’s primary role is seen to be as
an evaluator of teaching performance or as a facilitator or consultant. When
the former is the case, the supervisor seeks to point out the differences

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