Illustrated Guide to Home Chemistry Experiments

(Amelia) #1
Chapter 19 Laboratory: Qualitative Analysis 333

Concentrated hydrochloric acid is corrosive. Wear splash
goggles, gloves, and protective clothing.


Species Flame color notes

AmmoniumFaint green Masked by most other species

Antimony Pale blue-green to blue Faint and easily masked

Arsenic Light blue Faint and easily masked

Barium Pale green to yellow-green

Boron Bright green

Calcium Red

Calcium compounds show brick-red to orange to yellow-orange;
masked by barium

Cesium Pale violet Easily masked

Copper(I) Blue

Copper(II) Green Copper(II) halides show blue-green

Iron Yellow

Lead Blue to blue-white

Lithium Crimson Masked by barium or sodium

MagnesiumBright white



PhosphatesBlue-green to blue When moistened with sulfuric acid

Potassium Pale violet to lilac

Crimson when viewed through cobalt glass; potassium compound
pink to lilac to violet; masked by sodium or lithium

Sodium Bright yellow

Strontium Scarlet Masked by barium

Zinc Blue-green to green-white

TABLE 19-1: Flame test colors by species

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