Illustrated Guide to Home Chemistry Experiments

(Amelia) #1

334 DIY Science: Illustrated Guide to Home Chemistry Experiments

PCEDURERO FIGURE 19-1: A positive flame test for sodium
1.f you have not already done so, put on your splash I
goggles, gloves, and protective clothing.

  1. Fill a test tube about half full of concentrated
    hydrochloric acid and place it in the rack.

  2. Light the gas burner and adjust it to produce a small,
    hot flame.

  3. Hold the loop at the tip of the flame and heat it until the
    loop adds no color to the flame.

  4. Test the hydrochloric acid for purity. Dip the loop into
    the hydrochloric acid, allow it to drain momentarily, and
    then hold the loop at the tip of the flame. It should add
    no coloration to the flame. If color appears, particularly
    the intense yellow color of sodium, the hydrochloric acid
    is insufficiently pure. Replace it with purer acid.

  5. Before you test each sample, verify that the loop is clean
    by holding it in the flame. If any color appears in the
    flame, clean the loop by dipping it in the hydrochloric
    acid and heating it. If necessary, repeat the acid rinse
    and heat until no color appears. (Hydrochloric acid
    reacts with any contaminants present on the loop
    to form chloride salts, which have low boiling points;
    heating the loop vaporizes the chloride salts, removing
    them from the loop.)

TABLE 19-2: Using flame tests to discriminate metal ions—observed data

Sample Observations

Sodium-free salt (example)

Medium yellow coloration, indicating presence of sodium; pale blue-violet
potassium coloration visible through cobalt glass

A. Barium
B. Boron
C. Calcium
D. Copper(I)
E. Copper(II)
F. Copper(II) halide
G. Iron(II)
H. Iron(III)
I. Lead
J. Lithium
K. Magnesium
L. Manganese
M. Potassium
N. Sodium
O. Strontium
P. Zinc

  1. Test the first sample by touching the loop to the sample
    and holding it in the flame. If the sample is solid, dip the
    clean loop into the hydrochloric acid, allow it to drain
    momentarily, and then touch the loop to the sample. If
    the sample is liquid, dip the clean loop into the liquid.
    Record your observations in Table 19-2. If a sample does
    not produce a clear coloration, repeat the test using a
    larger amount of the sample.

  2. Repeat step 7 for each of your samples.

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