Illustrated Guide to Home Chemistry Experiments

(Amelia) #1

60 DIY Science: Illustrated Guide to Home Chemistry Experiments

Chemical QuantityStorage CodeR(isk)-phrases S(afety)-phrases

Glycerol (glyercin)^7 25 mL none^21 S26 S36

Hydrochloric acid,
concentrated^8 250 mL

R23 R24 R25 R34 R36

R37 R38 S26 S36 S37 S39 S45

Iron filings 25 g none^21 none^21

Iron shot 100 g none^21 none^21

Iron or steel nail
(6d to 12d)

6 none^21 none^21

Lead metal shot^9 5,000 g R23 R25 none^21

Lemon 4 none^21 none^21

Lighter fluid 25 mL not defined^22 not defined^22

Magnesium sulfate^10 50 g none^21 S22 S24 S25

Milk, homogenized 25 mL none^21 none^21

Mineral oil 25 mL R36 R37 R38 not defined^22

Oxalic acid^11 25 g R21 R22 S24 S25

Petroleum ether (ligroin)100 mL R11 R20 R21 R22
R45 R65

S45 S53

Phenolphthalein (powder)1 g R36 R37 R38 S26

Polystyrene foam, rigid35 g R36 R37 none^21

Potassium hydrogen
tartrate^12 25 g none

(^21) none 21
Potassium permanganate^13 25 g R8 R22 S17 S26 S36
S37 S39 S45
TABLE 4-4 (continued): Recommended basic chemicals and quantities

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