Chapter 4: Chemicals for the Home Chemistry Lab 61
Chemical QuantityStorage CodeR(isk)-phrases S(afety)-phrases
Sand 25 g none^21 none^21
Sodium acetate^14 25 g none^21 S22 S24 S25
Sodium bicarbonate 50 g none^21 none^21
Sodium bisulfite 25 g R20 R22 R36 R37 R38S26 S36
Sodium borate (borax)25 g R22 R36 R37 R38
R62 R63
not defined^22
Sodium carbonate^15 100 g R36 R37 R38 none^21
Sodium chloride^16 500 g R36 S26 S36
Sodium hydroxide^17 100 g R35 S26 S37 S39 S45
Starch 25 g none^21 none^21
Sucrose^18 450 g none^21 none^21
Sulfur^19 25 g R36 R37 R38 not defined^22
Sulfuric acid^20 100 mL
R23 R24 R25 R35 R36
R37 R38 R49
S23 S30 S36
S37 S39 S45
Talcum powder 25 g none^21 none^21
Vegetable oil 25 mL none^21 none^21
Vinegar, white distilled250 mL none^21 none^21
TABLE 4-4 (continued): Recommended basic chemicals and quantities