Blinded By the Light - The Occult of Roman Catholicism

(Sean Pound) #1

Chapter 27

The Roman-Babylon Connection

As already shown, we see that it was from the religious practices of Constantine
and his devotion to the ancient beliefs of sun god worship that the Roman Catholic
Church evolved.

However, there is still more evidence.

The crosses that are used by the Roman Catholic Church and some Protestant
churches are called a crucifix. On this type of cross is a dead or dying Christ.

On the top of some crucifixes
are the initials ìIHSî which is
supposed to stand for ìIn Hoc
Signoî (In this sign). But the
cross that Constantine allegedly
witnessed was the ìChi-Rhoî
(page 23). Sometimes the
banner on the top of the crucifix
will be inscribed ìINRIî (IHS
which is supposed to be a
reference to Jesus Christ.

However, the letters ìIHSî on the cross of Jesus Christ is absolutely contrary to

ìAnd a superscription also was written over him in letters of

Greek, and Latin, and Hebrew, THIS IS THE KING OF THE

JEWS.î Luke 23:38

ìIHSî has also been said to stand for ìIsis, Horus and Seb.î Isis is the Egyptian
Great Mother Goddess, and she is also known as the Immaculate Virgin. 1

The Mary of the Catholic Church is also called the Immaculate Virgin, tying her
to Semiramis and the ancient Mother Goddess of Egypt. Horus is the sun god, the
son of Isis, and Seb is the father of Isis. These three were part of the divine
council of the gods and goddesses of ancient Egypt.

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