Blinded By the Light - The Occult of Roman Catholicism

(Sean Pound) #1

Chapter 34

Does Truth Really Matter?

The spirit of deception unleashed by Satan about these celebrations is a
masterstroke. Every year billions of people willingly surrender themselves (either
knowingly or unknowingly) to the delusion and spirits of Christmas and Easter.
During the seasons for these so-called Christian Holy Days, what happens to
people is amazing to say the least.

Christmas is alleged to be a time of joy to celebrate the birth of the King of kings.
But it is mostly false sentimentality, and not the joy of the Lord that seems to just
ooze from peopleís emotions. You can watch the joy fade from the face of a child
if they donít get what they wanted from Santa.

Itís supposed to be a time of hope. But the suicide rate goes through the roof as
people are gripped with a spirit of hopelessness and depression because they are

The other ramifications of this holiday are also staggering. Reminiscent of the
lawlessness that came from the drunken festival of Bacchus, the number of
people killed by drunk drivers escalates. A spirit of greed and lust for material
possessions takes hold of peoplesí souls, driving them to go into great debt in
frenzied buying sprees at shopping malls. The rush can be so great that people
actually get injured - as was the case in 2003 when a customer at a Wal-Mart was
trampled by other shoppers trying to get to DVD players that had gone on sale
that morning. All of this goes on while children the world over wait for Santa Claus
to arrive in a sleigh being pulled by flying reindeer, slip down the chimney and put
their presents under the tree.

May I ask emphatically -- What does any of this have to do with the birth of the
Savior, Jesus Christ?

The answer is ó NOTHING! But it has everything to do with the ancient pagan
rites of honoring the re-birth of the sun god!

Unfortunately, people that are legitimate followers of Jesus Christ are among
those that willingly partake in this celebration ñ a ritual that in truth honors the
devil. This festival is so ingrained in the societies of the globe that is thought to be
without a doubt, a truly Christian holiday.

There are preachers that stand up in their pulpits every year during the holiday
season and declare to their congregations that December 25th is Jesusí birthday.
They know full well it isnít, but they perpetuate the fable of Christmas because
they know thatís what the people want to hear.

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