Blinded By the Light - The Occult of Roman Catholicism

(Sean Pound) #1

In September of 2001 I had the opportunity to share part of this teaching with the
pastor of a Church of God Anderson affiliate in Muskogee, Oklahoma; a church I
was involved with and attended.

As a member of the worship team, I needed to let him know that I would not be
partaking in any of the Christmas festivities the church had planned. Since I
surrendered my life to Christ in early 1979, I had not participated in the so-called
Christian celebration of the birth of Christ. I was able to leave a shortened version
of this teaching with him and let it go at that. Due to his inability to stand in true
godly leadership concerning the actions of a newly hired associate pastor, I
consequently left that fellowship in 2002. On December 3, 2003 the pastor of the
afore-mentioned congregation gave a teaching at the church entitled ìThe
Historical Customs of the Christmas Storyî 1 with the explanation being ìLearn how
things took place on that historic and world changing night.î 2

This man is one of those who is well aware that Christmas has nothing to do
with Christ, but refuses to stand in the Truth.

These false shepherds that lie to their congregations in this way are of the worst
sort. They are causing their flocks to believe a lie because itís good for business.
It fills the pews and the church coffers. Because of the money it brings in, they
have been bought off to perpetuate the lie of Christmas and they willingly
deceive those that they are called to teach the truth.

However, the bible clearly warns us:

ìWoe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put

darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet,

and sweet for bitter!î Isaiah 5:20

No matter how you justify it, lying is lying, and God is emphatic about how He
will deal with liars.

ì...all liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire

and brimstoneî Revelation 21:8

Blaming Fire

Man pleasing instead of godly leadership is not a new problem. God appointed
Moses to lead the children of Israel out of Egypt. His brother Aaron was his right
hand man. But soon after they all left Egypt, the trouble started. The full account
can be read in Exodus chapters 24 through 32.

Moses had gone up on Mount Sinai to receive the Commandments and the Law
of God. While he was away, the Hebrews grew restless. They had been led into
the wilderness, but their trust in the LORD and the leadership of Moses was
waning. So they decided to turn back to the gods of Egypt they were accustomed

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