Blinded By the Light - The Occult of Roman Catholicism

(Sean Pound) #1

The English Puritans

Opposition to the Christmas celebrations was not an American phenomenon;
this attitude began before the pilgrims arrived in this country. There were other
preachers around the world that also decried it as pagan. John Knox, from
whose teachings the Presbyterian Church was born, put an end to Christmas in
Scotland in 1562.

In England, the observance of Christmas was forbidden by an act of
Parliament in 1644. The Puritans in England during the time of Cromwell,
declared Christmas as ìan extreme forgetfulness of Christ, by giving liberty
toÖsensual delights.î On Christmas Day, the House of Commons was called
into session, and sheriffs were sent out in order to require shopkeepers and
merchants to be open for business. This resulted in the rioting of pro and anti-
Christmas factions.

ìOn July 28, 1540, the distinguished Thomas Cromwell,
Earl of Essex, and the noted politician who proposed the
legislation (Act of Supremacy) that in 1534 declared King
Henry VIII himself to be Supreme Head of the Church of
England, was executed by beheading.î 7

Although Henry VIII was at one time declared head of the Protestant Anglican
Church in England, he was also a devout Romanist that never lost sight of his
Catholic principles.

ìIn 1521 Pope Leo X hearlded Henry VIII as defender of the
faith.î 8

The papists easily convinced Henry VIII that Cromwell was a traitor to both the
king and the Catholic faith.

ìAlthough the charges against Thomas Cromwell had
nothing to do with religion, itís right that this nobleman be
ranked among the martyrs, for if it hadnít been for his zeal
to rid England of popery, he might have retained his favor
with the king.î 9

King Henry VIII wanted a divorce so he could marry another. Being Catholic, he
sought approval for the divorce from the pope. The pope refused, which enraged
the king. In a purely political move, Henry VIII took control as the head of the
Anglican Church and confiscated all papal lands and holdings in England.

The Church of England began as a Protestant move to stop the papacy from
taking over the monarchy in Great Britain. According to the official title of the king
or queen, they adopted the line quoted by Leo X ñ ìdefender of the faithî.

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