Blinded By the Light - The Occult of Roman Catholicism

(Sean Pound) #1

The ruling monarch is to oversee the Church of England, and promote true
Christianity without Catholic influence or interference from Rome or Islam.

There are two men that have the possibility to become King of England in our
day, Prince Charles or his son William. Unfortunately for those True Christians
that reside in Great Britain, both of these men are absolute ecumenists that have
prostituted themselves with Rome and Islam; and the Church of England has
become no more than a puppet in the hands of the pope. It has been reported
that the Taliban (the Muslim sect responsible for the destruction of the Twin
Towers in New York in 2001) is actively recruiting homicide bombers on English
College campuses. 10

As already noted (Chapter 23) Rome executed multitudes of true followers of
Christ. Many of the faithful lived in Great Britain.

ìIn 1506, a pious man named William Tilfrey was burned
alive at Amersham, in an enclosed area called Stoneyprat.
His executioners forced his married daughter, Joan Clarke,
to light the faggots around her father and watch him
burn.î 11

ìIn 1519, Robert Celin and Thomas Matthew were burned in
London. Robert had spoken against image worship and
pilgrimages.î 12

ìÖDr. Longland, the [Catholic] bishop of Lincoln in eastern
England, raged so violently against heresy that he burned at
the stake Thomas Bainard for merely saying the Lordís
prayer in English, and James Moreton for reading Jamesís
epistle in English. He then sentÖAnthony Parsons, and a
man named Eastwood and one other, to Windsor in south-
central England to be examinedÖThe bishop wasted little
time in their examinations and condemned all three to be
burned.î 13

It is well that the godly courage and faith of these saints has been recorded.

ìWhen they were chained to the stakes, Parsons asked for
some water to drink, and when he received it he lifted the
cup to his two companions and said, ëCheer up my brothers,
and lift up your hearts to God, for after this harsh breakfast
we shall have a good dinner in the kingdom Christ our Lord
and Redeemer.í When Eastwood heard Parsonsí words, he
lifted his eyes and hands toward heaven and asked the Lord
to receive his spirit quickly.î 14
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