Blinded By the Light - The Occult of Roman Catholicism

(Sean Pound) #1

Most of all the best phone system so that you, the viewing audience, can call in
your donation to support TBN.

Yes, it is glowingly obvious that nothing has been spared to bring you the best
that modern Christian entertainment has to offer. Nothing that is, except the
Truth! Even more relevant today is a sermon by the famed Charles Spurgeon
given over 100 years ago, well before the advent of film and television.

ìAn evil is in the professed camp of the Lord, so gross in its
impudence, that the most short-sighted can hardly fail to
notice it. During the past few years it has developed at an
abnormal rate, even for the evil. It has worked like leaven
until the whole lump ferments. The devil has seldom done
a cleverer thing than hinting to the Church that part of
her mission is to provide entertainment for the people,
with a view to winning them. From speaking out as the
Puritans did, the Church has gradually toned down her
testimony, then winked at and excused the frivolities of
the day. Then she tolerated them in her borders. Now
she has adopted them under the plea of reaching the
masses.î 1 (emphasis mine)

The TBN studios are bedecked with such elaborate settings that their only rival
is the Vatican itself. Gold leaf chairs resembling thrones are there for the guests
to sit in. Expensive paintings, intricate stained glass art and elaborate tapestries
(most of which are sporting the nimbus), adorn the sets where the Crouchís and
their ilk spew forth their abominable heresies.

Year after year during the Christmas Season, they outdo their own
ostentatiousness with the decorations that embellish the studios. Some of the
major adornments are the many wreaths and the Tammuz (Christmas) trees set
up on the stage.

Every day millions upon millions of people watch TBN as Catholic priests,
ecumenical teachers, false prophets and false prophetesses are paraded across
the screen speaking blasphemous and heretical teachings.

The most common thread you will hear and see coming across the airwaves of
TBN is ìgive us your titheís and offerings so that God will bless youî and the
money pours in at an alarming rate.

Even though they are the first to proclaim, ìWe are not under the Law
anymoreî these corrupt teachers are shameless in their use of Old Testament
scripture to get people to support their extravagant lifestyles.

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