Blinded By the Light - The Occult of Roman Catholicism

(Sean Pound) #1

Chapter 37


The Bible tells us that everyone that calls him or herself a Christian is
accountable to God for their words and actions.

ìBut I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak,

they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. For by thy

words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be

condemned.î Matthew 12:36-37

ìSo then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.î

Romans 14:12

But if you have been placed in a position to be a leader or teacher in the Body
of Christ, then you will be held to a higher standard.

ìMy brethren, be not many masters, (teachers) knowing that we

shall receive the greater condemnation.î James 3:1

This also applies to self-appointed teachers and prophets that use the Name of


Greatly reinforcing the commonly held traditions of Christmas and Easter is the
popularity of so-called Christian television. Leading the pack of ecumenical
televangelists are Paul and Jan Crouch and their Trinity Broadcasting Network

Taking their cue from the PTL Club of Jim and Tammy Bakker, TBN is
Christian entertainment at itís best. With Las Vegas style glitz and military-like
precision, the latest and best of Gospel music is combined with the some of the
most charismatic and influential preachers of our day. Video displays
comparable to those used by the major networks flash across the screen
informing the viewing audience of upcoming guests and the progress being
made by TBN. Faces of children worn by hunger and war are shown being
comforted by Jan and then fade to scenes of Paul meeting with leaders of
foreign countries to establish yet another TBN station.

As the camera focuses in on the TBN set, itís obvious that no expense is too
great to bring the audience the absolute best. After all, they are there to
represent the King of kings and Lord of lords, so why not use the best furniture,
the best sound system ñ the best of this and the best of that.

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