Blinded By the Light - The Occult of Roman Catholicism

(Sean Pound) #1

Not only is Jan infatuated with the late Mother Teresa, but like many Catholic
visionaries she too has seen an apparition of the Roman goddess! According to
the October 1996 TBN newsletter:

ìIt's time for Protestants to accept the Catholic reality of the
apparitions and visions of Our Lady, Mary, the Mother of
God, Paul Crouch suggests. His wife, Jan, says that she
recently was visited by the miraculous appearance of Our
Lady, the Blessed Mary. In her detailed account, Jan Crouch
describes how ëMaryí first gave her a perfect rose and then
thanked Jan, Paul, and TBN for their magnificent efforts
in bringing Catholics and Protestants together in
unity.î 4 (emphasis mine)

In Chapter 21 it was noted that the Hail Mary although completely unscriptural,
is one of the main prayers of the false gospel of Catholicism. Yet in a TBN
newsletter, the Catholic Churchesí efforts in Communist China were extolled by
Paul Crouch, as if it were true Christianity.

ìI had a most interesting meeting with Bishop Fu Tieshan.
Bishop Fu is the Bishop of the Parish of Beijing; Vice
Chairman of the Standing Committee of the 10th National
People's Congress; Chairman of the Chinese Catholic
Patriotic Association, and Vice President of the Bishop's
Conference of the Catholic Church in China. He and his
priests conduct thirty-eight home or house meetings each
week with prayer, praise and Bible studies!î 5

Paul and his wife Jan also seem to be extremely intrigued by the magic wafer
of the Roman Institution. In 1984, well-known cross bearing evangelist Arthur
Blessitt revealed his ecumenical bent, as did Paul Crouch.

ìIn 1984 Arthur Blessit was interviewed by Paul Crouch on
TBN. Blessitt described how he had received the Eucharist
while participating in a rally of 600,000 Roman Catholics in
Poland. He said he first registered an objection when the
priest came toward him for he knew that Catholic doctrine
forbids giving the wafer to a Protestant. The priest said,
ëYou're one of us,í and Blessit accepted it. At that point the
studio audience cheeredÖî 6

ìI have watched Paul and Jan on Channel 40, and
sometimes, I feel so heavy hearted. I watch all these nuns
and priests coming on. Once I heard Paul and Jan saying,
ëOh, I don't understand the mass, but it's very interesting.íî 7
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