Blinded By the Light - The Occult of Roman Catholicism

(Sean Pound) #1

During one of the many TBN broadcasts, Paul Crouch and Benny Hinn
discussed the magic wafer. Apparently famed evangelist Benny Hinn, who
admits to being Catholic in mindset (even though claims he was raised Greek
Orthodox), is also an advocate of the false christ in the Eucharist.

ìMy upbringing, of course, was Catholic in that I attended
the Catholic school in Jaffa, Israel. And so my mentality
basically is a Catholic mentality. When I was born again, I
was Catholic in my ways. I was very Catholic in my ideas, in
my behavior.î 8 (emphasis mine)

ìAnd God really gave me a revelation that night, that when
we partake communion, it's not just communion, Paul. We
are partaking Christ Jesus himself. He did not say, ëTake,
eat, this represents my body.í He said, ëThis is my body,
broken for you...í When you partake communion, you're
partaking Christ. And so tonight, as we partake
communion, we're not partaking bread. We're partaking
what He said we would be partaking of: ëThis is my body.íî 9

In his book entitled The Blood, Benny Hinn gives a pointed description of
partaking in the magic wafer Jesus of the Catholic Church. In a service with 49
charismatic Catholic nuns that attended one of his crusades, Hinn extols this
experience as one of the greatest of his life.

ìIt was an anointing that I had never before experienced
in a communion service, not even in my own church. It
was a divine, powerful presence of God that I can't describe
except to say, ëJesus walked into that little roomí... As I
was kneeling and praising the Lord with my hands extended
directly in front of me, the mother general put the wafer in
my mouth. At that moment I felt a fire literally go through
me and as that took place something else amazing
happened. I sensed on the tips of my fingers something like
a robe ñ a soft, silky fabric.î 10 (emphasis mine)

Following the dogma of the Roman Catholic Church concerning the magic
wafer, Paul Crouch wholeheartedly agreed with Hinnís view of the Eucharist!
There are those within Protestant Charismatic circles; and Christendom in
general, that do not agree with this view. But evidently, Paul Crouch considers
discussion about the true doctrines of Christ and correct interpretation of
scripture garbage and a waste of time.

ìíHeís in both!í Crouch said. ëHeís in everythingÖ But see the
heretic hunters get in there and we argue over the
doctrine of transubstantiation and all over this
garbageÖThe letter kills!íî 11
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