Blinded By the Light - The Occult of Roman Catholicism

(Sean Pound) #1
ìI watched Benny Hinn myself on Trinity Broadcasting
Network with Paul Crouch, discussing the plans to do this.
He confirmed that Billy Graham, Pat Robertson, James
Robison and many others had already agreed to be there,
along with world political leaders and that he, Benny Hinn,
would bring along a choir from his Florida church. Hinn said
that Ted Turner had agreed to broadcast it over CNN--
globally.î 38

The Prince of Peace Foundation is wholly Catholic and ecumenical in nature.

ìThe Prince of Peace Foundation draws its inspiration from a
prayer of proclamation, and a blessing. The foundation seeks
to encourage and assist those who pray with Saint
Francis, ëMake me an instrument of Thy peace.íî 39 (emphasis mine)

In honor of Harald Bredesenís 85th birthday, the Foundation hosted a party in
August 2003 at the Beverly Hills Hilton that boasted some of the better known in
all of televised Christianity. Benny Hinn and his wife Suzanne were listed as part
of the Celebrity Committee for the celebration.

ìSpecial Guests: Pat and Dede Robertson
Celebrity Committee: Pat and Shirley Boone, Jack and Anna
Hayford, Benny and Suzanne Hinn.î 40

Because of the miracles that Benny Hinn allegedly performs, everything he
says is accepted as true without scrutiny, discussion or comparison to the Word
of God.

However, the Bible is clear that in these Last Days false prophets will perform
lying wonders.

ìFor there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall

shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible,

they shall deceive the very elect.î Matthew 24:24

A Personal Testimony

In the massive crusades that Hinn holds throughout the world, fantastic stories
of healing are shown on Benny Hinnís This is Your Day broadcasts.

I have personally attended two of these crusades, one in Little Rock, Arkansas
in 2001 and the other in Tulsa, Oklahoma in 2002. I attended the Tulsa Crusade
because my niece had been in a severe car accident, and her 4-year-old
daughter who was also in the wreck, wanted the man in the white suit she saw
on television (Benny Hinn) to pray for her mommy. Due to a work related knee
injury and subsequent surgery, I was wearing a leg brace at the time.

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