Blinded By the Light - The Occult of Roman Catholicism

(Sean Pound) #1

One of the ushers noticed this and took it upon himself to pray for me. I
admitted to this young man that after prayer my knee felt much better and then
he quickly rushed me to the stage to give my testimony. In the hope of
encouraging faith in Christ to my 4-year-old great niece by having Benny pray for
her mommy, I went along.

Being brought up on the stage I stood right next to Benny Hinn. I had the
opportunity to talk to him and look into his eyes. What I saw can only be
described as intense darkness in the eyes of this self proclaimed healing
evangelist. After trotting back and forth on the stage a couple of times to show I
was healed, Pastor Benny prayed for me. This episode from the Tulsa Crusade
was shown many times on ìThis is Your Dayî broadcasts. It was after this
encounter that I began to get a full realization of how evil this man is. An added
point to this is that to this day, I still have trouble with my knee.

I have since renounced any and all prayers spoken over me by Hinn and his

I had always held reservations about Benny Hinn, but I did not want to deny the
miracles that were testified to by many that had faith in Christ. After my doubts
became confirmed by his errant teachings, I wondered why some people are
healed during the Crusades. The Holy Spirit showed me that Benny Hinn is a
lightning rod, and even though he may be completely deceived and deceiving
others, many faithful Christians come to these Crusades expecting God to move.
The Lord is not unaware of those that have a true faith in Jesus Christ that attend
these meetings.

ìFor we have not an high priest (Jesus Christ) which cannot be

touched with the feeling of our infirmitiesÖî Hebrews 4:15a

The Bible tells us:

ìBut without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that

cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder

of them that diligently seek him.î Hebrews 11:6

The Bible also says of the Lord:

ìJesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.î

Hebrews 13:8

When Christ walked the earth, the love of God shone forth and He healed
many. Some were healed to show that Jesus was who He said He was ñ the Son
of God. But every time someone was healed it revealed the compassion that
Lord has for man. If Christ healed then, and He is always the same, there is no
reason to doubt that Christ still heals today. If healing does take place at a Hinn
Crusade, I believe it is in spite of, not because of Pastor Benny.

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