Blinded By the Light - The Occult of Roman Catholicism

(Sean Pound) #1
ìAnd Kathryn did believe with all her heart that God
intended for every church service to be a miracle service, for
every pastor, every priest, every rabbi to be one through
whom the Holy Spirit would work to bring miracles to the
people.î 43 (emphasis mine)

To reward her for her work in uniting Protestants with Rome, Pope Paul VI
granted her a private audience. It is against Catholic Canon for the pope to do
this if the person is known to oppose the teachings of the Roman Catholic
Church. 44 This was mirrored approximately 30 years later when Pope John Paul
II granted a private audience with Paul Crouch. Another famous so-called man of
God that has held a private audience with his holiness is Billy Graham.

It has been noticed by more than a few that Benny Hinn has modeled much of
his own ministry after that of Kuhlmanís. But this resemblance may be far more
diabolic then people realize. In the scriptures, Jesus described what happens
when an evil spirit goes out of a person.

ìWhen the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh

through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none. Then he

saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and

when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished.î

Matthew 12:43-44

What happens to these evil spirits when that person that housed them dies?
The answer is simple: they seek another body through which to express
themselves. Has Benny Hinn taken on the spirit of Kathryn Kuhlman?

ìTo see my dear friend Benny [Hinn] is to see Kathryn again
in many ways.î 45

ìAs I sit on the platform of Benny Hinnís crusade meetings, I
can sense the same spirit and feeling that I did many years
ago during the services of Kathryn Kuhlman.î 46

Also consider the following:

As Benny Hinn does now, she opened her services with the hymn
ìHow Great Thou Art.î

ìAt that moment, almost out of nowhere, Kathryn Kuhlman
appeared. In an instant, the atmosphere in that building
became chargedÖMy hands were lifted, and tears streamed
down my face as we sang ìHow Great Thou Art.î 47
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