Blinded By the Light - The Occult of Roman Catholicism

(Sean Pound) #1

Like Benny Hinn, she was dressed in white. If anyone has watched This is
Your Day on a regular basis, you know that white is the favorite color of Pastor

ìThe music began and suddenly the lady evangelist with
flaming red hair and a long white dress appeared on the
platform.î 48

Benny Hinn, like Kathryn Kuhlman also places a great deal of emphasis on the
Holy Spirit and the miracles that accompany His presence at a Crusade.

The dedication for his book Good Morning, Holy Spirit reads:

ìTo the person of the Holy Spirit, who is the very reason for
my beingÖî 49

When Hinn saw her for the first time, Kuhlman cried out:

ìëP-l-e-a-s-e,í she pleaded. ëPlease donít grieve the Holy
Spirit.í Still sobbing, she said, ëDonít you understand? Heís
all Iíve got!í And she continued, ëPlease! Donít wound Him.
Heís all Iíve got. Donít wound the One I love.íî 50

The relationship of a Christian to the Holy Spirit cannot and should never be
under estimated. But in Hinnís books, in all of his exuberance over his alleged
love and familiarity with the Holy Spirit, he seems to miss the real importance of
the presence of the Spirit of God in a believerís life.

ìBut when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you

from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from

the Father, he shall testify of me.î John 15:26 (emphasis mine)

To watch Benny Hinn it is obvious that he has indeed taken on the spirit of
Kathryn Khulman. There is a videotape series of Kathryn Kuhlman recorded at
the Mabee Center at Oral Roberts University in 1974. 51 The mannerisms,
conduct and even the speech patterns of Benny Hinn are almost identical.

So the question presents itself, what spirit is it? Letís look at the fruits! In his
book lauding over the influence of Kathryn Kuhlman in his life, Benny Hinn
quotes the producer of the Kuhlman television programs on CBS.

ìRight from the start Kathryn Kuhlman was accepted by the
CBS staff and became sort of a queen of the lot.î 52

In keeping with his attitude with Lourdes, Hinn also quotes Time magazine.

ìShe is, in fact, a veritable one-woman shrine of Lourdes.î 53

What spirit is it? The Queen of heaven! (See chapters 31 and 32)
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